Drawing to Recover at Mental Disorders

Drawing therapy is the use of creative self-expression through art as a means of recovery from mental health disorders. Drawing has been used for generations in many cultures to heal those who are dealing with mental health issues. It has been studied as a highly successful form of treatment for depression, anxiety, trauma, and other mental health disorders. Those who use drawing to recover from mental health issues often find that they are better able to express themselves through art than they are through words.

The benefit of drawing as a form of therapy has been backed up by recent scientific studies. In one study, it was shown that drawing therapy is highly effective in treating depression. The study found that participants who were undergoing drawing therapy had a reduction in their depression levels that was equal to that of people who used antidepressant drugs. The results of this study suggest that drawing therapy can be an effective form of therapy for people struggling with depression.

Drawing therapy has also been found to be effective in treating anxiety disorders. One study found that drawing therapy was more effective than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. The study found that the participants undergoing drawing therapy experienced multiple positive changes in their anxiety levels, while those who underwent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy experienced a decrease in anxiety. This suggests that drawing therapy can be a highly effective and efficient form of treatment for people struggling with anxiety.

Drawing therapy has also been found to be an effective form of therapy for those dealing with trauma. A study conducted on survivors of domestic violence found that those who underwent drawing therapy experienced increased levels of well-being. The study showed that the participants found it easier to express their feelings and their stories through art than they did through words. This suggests that drawing therapy can be an effective form of therapy for those dealing with trauma.

Drawing therapy can also be beneficial for those suffering from mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. One study found that drawing therapy was successful in helping those with schizophrenia to better manage their symptoms. The study found that the drawing therapy sessions provided a safe space in which participants could express their emotions and experiences without fear of judgement. The study concluded that drawing therapy can be beneficial in the management of symptoms for those with schizophrenia.

In conclusion, drawing therapy is a highly successful form of treatment for those dealing with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and schizophrenia. It provides an environment in which individuals can express themselves through art and find creative solutions for their emotional difficulties. Drawing therapy is becoming increasingly popular as a form of therapy and is showing promising results in the management of mental health disorders.


How Creativity Offers alternatives to Destructive Habits

Living life with an addiction is a difficult journey that not only affects the individual struggling with a substance or behavioral addiction, but the people in the addicted person’s life. It may feel like a never-ending cycle – with one’s health, relationships, and quality of life taking the brunt of the consequences. Some may feel like recovery is out of reach or that their options for seeking help are limited. Yet creative activities, such as drawing, can become a powerful ally in the effort to overcome and manage an addiction.

Drawing as a creative activity offers a unique and powerful experience for those struggling with addiction. By redirecting attention away from the substance or behavior of choice and towards art-making, the activity of drawing can help an individual to self-regulate and work towards personal healing. Additionally, solace and escape are often found in creative activities, where the person in recovery can feel a sense of purpose and accomplishment when engaged in the creative process.

Drawing can play a role in the treatment of an addiction in numerous ways. Attention to the creative process can help an individual to learn new strategies, gain insight, and self-reflect, all while working towards self-control. Sometimes, drawing out emotions or putting words into visuals can help to put a stronger emphasis on feelings and provide a more meaningful understanding of those emotions. Additionally, creativity can offer a source of fun and enjoyment, providing a positive distraction and pulling focus away from negative thought patterns or out-of-control behaviors.

Drawing can also provide a safe and private space from the world. In this environment, an individual can express themselves freely, without judgement or expectation. For those in early recovery, this type of free expression can open the door to self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-care. It allows the individual to be at peace with themselves and learn to build life skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, and coping strategies for challenging events or experiences that may arise.

Drawing also encourages self-expression, an important element in the recovery process. When someone has the space to express themselves, it gives them the opportunity to process emotions, gain insight, and free themselves from the heaviness of struggle. Many of us might experience difficulty when it comes to expressing feelings, so drawing can be a way to channel emotions in a meaningful way. On a deeper level, this practice can promote emotional growth and development, aiding in the healing and recovery process.

In addition to all the therapeutic elements of drawing, it can also be an important vehicle for accountability and progress monitoring. During recovery, an individual may have commitments or action plans that they must adhere to. Drawing can serve as a visual representation of the process of journey, providing a regular feedback loop showing what the individual has achieved and what goals they are still working towards.

In the end, drawing can be a powerful tool for individuals recovering from addiction. It is a creative outlet to express emotions, feel a sense of accomplishment, learn new coping skills, and recognize progress towards a positive change. Recovery requires dedication and hard work, and the act of drawing can offer an alternative to destructive habits. Embracing creativity can provide a path to healthier and happier life.

How can abstract art paint the story of an addict

Abstract art is an unorthodox form of visual expression that is often used to tell the story of an addict. The colors, shapes, and textures present in abstract art convey a multitude of meanings that together tell a portrait of one’s addiction, and often paints a vivid yet hard-hitting story of both the addict and the addict’s loved ones.

When examining abstract art, viewers can gain insights into an addict’s personal life. Colors, for instance, can signify unique emotions and feelings associated with the journey of addiction. Dark and drab colors, such as shades of gray and brown, may symbolize depression or pain, while softer colors, like pink or baby blue, may indicate feelings of hope or faith. Additionally, the intensity and brightness of each color can help the viewer understand the intensity of the addict’s struggles.

The shapes and textures used in abstract art can also help tell the story of an addict. Sharp angles and irregular patterns often represent chaos and confusion. Meanwhile, consistent or curved forms and outlines can portray a sense of comfort in the midst of the addiction. Moreover, the way the various shapes interact with each other can hint at the relationship dynamics between the addict and his or her loved ones; for example, circles and other round shapes suggest a supportive atmosphere.

In abstract paintings, ideas and concepts are often symbolized in the form of various abstract digital prints. These prints may signify a variety of things, from the struggles of addiction to the weight of guilt or shame. By taking a step back and examining the painting as a whole, one may be able to observe the full story that is being painted.

Abstract art is an amazing tool to help depict the story of an addict, as it allows the artist to freely express their feelings through color, shape, texture, and digital prints. Each element of an abstract painting can shed light on a different aspect of an addict’s struggles and experiences. By witnessing the picture that is being painted, viewers can more deeply understand the complexity of an addict’s life and gain insight into how to better support the individual and those around them.

Taking the First Steps in an Artistic Journey

Drawing and painting are two of the oldest art forms known to us, with a fascinating history and many varied styles. From the highly realistic oil paintings of the Renaissance period to the boldly contemporary graffiti art of the modern day, there are many different ways to create art through line and color. Whether you are a total beginner looking to explore this world of creation or an experienced artist seeking to develop your skills, learning the fundamentals of drawing and painting is the first step to taking this exciting artistic journey.

The most important thing to remember when starting out with drawing and painting is that practice makes perfect. While it can be daunting at first, committing to regular practice and experimentation will help you to train your eye and develop your skills. Many different approaches and techniques exist and it can take some time to find the style which works best for you. Beginners should start simple, sticking to basic drawing and painting materials such as pencils, colored pencils and watercolors before progressing onto additional mediums such as oils and acrylics.

It is beneficial to regularly reference the works of more experienced artists and to identify which aspects of their style inspire you. Seeking out inspiration can motivate us and push us to develop our own technique further. This could be second-hand, such as taking a trip to a museum or gallery to view work in person, or via online sources, such as streaming art tutorials and opening a discussion with fellow artists.

When it comes to painting, mastering the use of brushstrokes is a key skill for any artist. The principles of brushstrokes involve understanding the differences between different types of brushes and the textures these create. Having good control over your brush will help you to produce smoother lines and curves, making it easier to accurately capture details in your artwork. It is also important to understand paint consistency and how much pigment you add to your water or other material. This can be particularly important depending on the surface you are using, be it paper, canvas or a wall.

Having a good sense of composition is key when it comes to both drawing and painting. This involves analyzing how elements within the artwork are placed and how they are contrasted against one another. Color is an excellent way to achieve this, as is manipulating the size, shape and direction of objects. It also helps to break down complex scenes into basic elements and shapes, and to look at how they interact to form the overall picture.

Drawing and painting provide us with a unique form of self-expression and exploration, offering a safe space to think and relax. Taking the first steps into this world of creativity can sometimes feel overwhelming, but if you are consistent and committed, you will soon gain confidence and be able to produce stunning artwork. The key is to practice regularly, build up your skills and look for inspiration – both from others and from your own imagination. Start slowly and give yourself time to grow and develop, and before long you will find that you too have something beautiful to say through art.

How creativity helps to end mental disorders

Whenever the word creativity is mentioned, some people might think that there are some selected activities in which only some specially gifted people can partake.

However, it is interesting to note that everyone is creative, and tapping into the creative juice can improve your health- physical and mental health.

It might sound like a far-fetched fact but even when it comes to using a color book, and trying out different patterns and styles, you are engaging your creative strength. Doing this can improve your mental health in the long run.

Colorful, Pencils, Submerged, Underwater

When people are working on creating something, they might get lost in the activity due to different reasons. The process of creating involves concentration and laser focus, with fewer distractions.

When you get to the point where you give your full attention and are absorbed in work, your performance and productivity increase. You will be able to ideate, work and produce faster than you would on a regular day.

The brain function determines the state of the creative flow. The movements of the brainwaves slow down, and the individual finds it easier to process thoughts.

Some studies mentioned that the prefrontal cortex of the brain temporarily stops working so that we can be more courageous of our ideas instead of being too critical and hard on ourselves.

Additionally, during the creative flow state, the brain produces a large volume of neurochemicals which are dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. These chemicals are known to induce happiness, satisfaction, and pleasure in humans.

This is why even regular creative activities will make you feel happier, calmer, and at peace. They produce a natural “high” which signifies contentment, satisfaction, and joy.

If you are struggling with a mental health problem, putting your creativity to work might be one of the ways to get your mental health on track. You can consider seeing a mental health therapist or counselor that you can work with to achieve your mental health goals.

Importance of art therapy for seniors

Art therapy is one of the most effective ways to improve the health and well-being of seniors. With art therapy, seniors can have a long and fulfilling life devoid of common emotional, mental, and even physical health problems.

Art therapists help seniors to apply various art therapy techniques to address some of the difficulties they might be facing.

Free Crop elderly patient with crayons Stock Photo

Here are some of the perks that seniors can gain from art therapy

Better cognitive function

As adults get older, there is a tendency for their cognitive function to slow down. However, with art therapy, seniors can have their senses stimulated so that they can become more active and sharper. If they are not familiar with art therapy, it helps them think better.

It is interesting to mention that art therapy helps to form neural connections in the brain, some of these connections may have slowed down as they got older.

Improved mood

Another benefit of art therapy for seniors is that it helps to improve their mood. For seniors struggling with depression, anxiety, and stress, art therapy helps them feel better.

Some studies have shown that seniors who do any type of creative arts are less likely to experience some symptoms of depression, loneliness, and anxiety.

Hence, with art therapy, seniors have a healthy way out to channel whatever feelings or emotions they might have.

Social interaction

When seniors undergo art therapy, it is another chance for them to meet with other people. They will meet other individuals that they can easily relate with. This helps them to form new relationships that may last over time.

Being a senior comes with the possibility of not having many people around you, but art therapy helps to bridge this gap by helping you socialize with people.

Improved memory

Art therapy helps seniors to retain some of their new thoughts. For seniors who have dementia and Alzheimer, they can benefit greatly from attending art therapy.

Benefits of art therapy on mental health

Art therapy is the application of artistic methods and ways to handle psychological, emotional, and mental disorders. The idea behind art therapy comes from the belief that it can be used to improve the emotional and mental well-being of an individual.

Before art therapy became a formally recognized way of handling mental disorders, people have used different aspects of arts to heal from mental and emotional disorders.

Free Photo of Woman Lying on Floor While Painting Stock Photo

Below are some of the benefits that art therapy has on mental health

A better and more convenient way to express your feelings

Sometimes, when people have mental disorders, they find it difficult to tell how they are feeling, and this is why these health problems linger for a long time.

The availability of art therapy provides patients with a non-threatening and seamless way to express how they are feeling, no matter how intense it is.

In most cases, they might not need to vocalize them. All they need to do is use one of the several available art therapy methods to communicate with the therapist.

Cope with stress and other difficulties

Another advantage that comes with art therapy is how it allows you to handle stress and difficulties in a healthy way.

One of the mistakes that some people make when managing stress is using unhealthy methods like taking drugs or alcohol.

They feel good for a short time only to end up feeling worse after the effect of these substances wears off.

Art therapy helps patients to deal with stress the right way without getting addicted.

Looking at problems from a different perspective

If you are facing any problem that has affected your mental health, art therapy helps to give you a better and different perspective. With the help of the therapist, you may understand the root cause of these problems, and learn how you can tackle them.

Some of the techniques used in art therapy include Drawing, Painting, Writing, Photography, Coloring, Sculpting, Collage, etc.


According to The Olive Prime, art therapy is a mental health profession in which clients, facilitated by the art therapist, use art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore their feelings.

To also reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and addictions and develop social skills.

In art therapy, the main goal is to improve people’s well-being, so they can function more effectively. Also, an individual can benefit from it if it helps improve or restore their functioning.

There are many settings in which art therapy is used, including educational, medical, and rehabilitation ones, as well as private practices and mental health clinics.

Now to the question; how does art therapy work? In art therapy, materials and techniques are used to stimulate sensory responses and generate emotional imagery.

The process allows one to relive emotions in a way that allows them to organize their feelings and tell a story about a traumatic experience. Communication is possible once this occurs by emerging words.

Furthermore, it is the role of the art therapist ultimately to assist the client in gaining insight, self-awareness, and new coping strategies that enhance the quality of life and functioning. Also, in an art therapy session, an individual is likely to do some exercises such as

  • Sculpting
  • Doodling
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Clay works
  • Collage Making etc.

Although these exercises take place under the guidance of an art therapist, the art therapist should be able to see the individual’s unfiltered responses. Understanding these responses can enhance mental health and well-being.

During the art therapy session, the individual and their art therapist will discuss the artwork and explore which objects, people, and images are included and excluded.

Art therapy addresses the issues of people with conditions such as depression, autism, dementia, also people with significant health challenges like cancer and traumatic brain injuries.


According to the American Art Therapy Association, art therapy is a kind of therapy that integrates mental health and human services by using “active art-making, creative process, and human experience.”

On the other hand, addiction is a menace that has eaten deep into our society and a large percentage is now addicted to one thing or the other which has so many negative effects attached to it.

The use of art therapy for addiction treatment dates back to the 1950s; today, it can be used to provide emotional release, self-expression, stress management, and recovery adjustment.

The Journal of Addictions Nursing states that art therapy can contribute to the recovery process in the following ways:

  • Lessening the shame of addiction.
  • Providing a safe outlet for painful emotions.
  • Decreasing the client’s denial of addiction.
  • Increasing the client’s motivation to change.

Art therapy is a part of a comprehensive treatment program that includes individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, 12-step meetings, and other essential services. By providing a break from direct intensive work of talk therapy, art therapy allows the subconscious to express itself creatively. 

In the recovery process, language often falls short of conveying the emotions that are uncovered. Therefore, art therapy emphasizes the role of creativity as a form of non-verbal communication.

Through art therapy, clients have the opportunity to describe and express their feelings in a way that is different from a traditional talking therapy.

Clients who are further along in the program may use art to depict the process of change that occurs in recovery.

The images and feelings that are expressed may change as they go through the program. After conveying their feelings of guilt or shame, a person may feel compelled to mention appreciation for having been freed from addiction.

Various activities that take place during art therapy

Art therapy is a practice intended to improve mental health and treat psychological disorders. It is rooted in the belief that creative expression fosters healing and mental wellbeing.

Over the centuries, people have relied on the arts to communicate, express themselves, and heal. It wasn’t until the 1940s that art therapy became a formalized program.

As doctors noticed that it was common for people with mental illnesses to express themselves through drawings and art, they started looking into how art could be used as a healing tool. It has since become an integral component of therapeutic methods and has been used for assessments and treatment.

Art therapy is particularly insightful because the process of creation is often just as instructive as the outcome. Nevertheless, anxious people may feel an intense need to complete the creative process to create something that will appeal to more than just themselves.

It is essential to discover self-awareness and healthy coping mechanisms when dealing with anxiety, and art therapy is an effective way to cope with some of the symptoms and experiences of anxiety.

Here are five art therapy activities designed to support people who are experiencing anxiety.

  • The panic book

Those with panic disorder can become frightened by the idea that they may suffer from a panic attack. Often, the triggers of panic attacks are unknown, while sometimes they are known.

The panic book exercise encourages participants to create a book containing images that will help them remain calm during stressful times and refocus their minds towards something more positive.

  • Visualizing what anxiety looks like

The first step to controlling and treating anxiety is understanding and visualizing it. By presenting anxiety as an abstract concept, person, or monster, participants can develop methods to recognize anxiety as it arises and handle it appropriately. Participants can accomplish just that in this activity.

  • Visual starter

Anxieties associated with creating art can make art therapy counterproductive. This visual starter exercise helps to circumvent this, allowing individuals to begin without feeling self-conscious. Starters can be adapted to specific topics or be used for creating a healthy stress-relieving environment.