The foundation of creativity is in the application and practice of mindfulness. Many of us may not recognize it on its surface, but essentially, mindfulness is at the core of creating a drawing or painting. Mindfulness is defined as a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment. It is a skill that involves actively noticing and recognizing the thoughts, feelings, and sensations inside and outside of ourselves. It is an essential tool for anyone trying to become more creative and to connect with their truly authentic creative voice.
Creating a drawing or painting requires ready access to your inner state which is steered by mindfulness. Mindfulness is a precursor to our creative process because it allows us to become mindful of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions as we’re creating art. Through this connection to our inner experience, we can become more aware of our patterns of thought, better connected to our intuition, and more in tune with the needs of our bodies and minds. We can tap into creative potential in more meaningful ways when we have a better understanding of our inner state.
Some worthwhile activities to do before getting started with your artwork are to observe your breath, take a brief walk and note any changes in scenery, and try to observe the various sensations in your body. Making time to be still and practice mindfulness helps us to regain a sense of calm and foster a more open-minded attitude. We can imbue our creative endeavors with a sense of presence and curiosity, an attitude of playful curiosity as opposed to the expectation that something needs to be produced right away.
Mindfulness practices aid us in becoming more focused and alert when creating artwork. When we give all of our attention to the moment-to-moment processes of creating a painting, it can help us to stay in the present and to learn more about our creative process. We can become aware of which parts of our painting require attention and deliberation, and we can more easily respond to the needs of our artwork when we are really present in our process.
The creative process is all about learning, so mindfulness helps us to access an open and curious state of mindful exploration which can bring the joy and fulfillment art making can bring. We can avoid the dissatisfaction that can come from comparing ourselves to what we see others creating. When we are in a mindful state, we can listen to our creativity which may lead us down a different path that may surprise us, allowing us to create something truly unique.
The journey of creating something new begins with mindfulness. We must be willing to accept our inner experience and resist comparing ourselves to what we see others doing. This will give us permission to take our time, to play, to explore, and to enjoy the experience of creating. We can tap into the creative process with greater ease by taking the time to be mindful of our thoughts and feelings. In doing so, we can begin to create with more meaning and purpose, and can learn to appreciate our creative journey from start to finish.